Three Signs That You Might Need To See A Cosmetic Specialist About Fat Loss


Many people are classified as overweight, and this number seems to only be growing every year. If you are trying to do the right thing and lose a bit of weight, or perhaps a lot of weight, then knowing when you should talk to a cosmetic specialist about fat loss solutions can be a tricky topic of conversation. Many people simply assume that there are surgical solutions to weight problems, but this is not always the case.

6 December 2021

Signs You Might Need Revision Rhinoplasty


Rhinoplasty refers to the surgery that alters the shape of your nose to increase the nose's appearance or improve breathing. However, the initial surgery isn't always fulfilling hence the need for a secondary rhinoplasty. Here are the signs that you require revision rhinoplasty surgery. Breathing Difficulty In some cases, the initial rhinoplasty may lead to functional problems of your nose, such as breathing problems. Such issues can cause discomfort and consequently affect the quality of your life.

1 November 2021

Are Silicone Breast Implants Safe?


Before having any major surgery, it's understandable to have questions and concerns. If you've been interested in breast augmentation but haven't taken the final leap yet because of concerns about the safety of silicone implants, then read this guide to find out how safe they are. Original Concerns Silicone breast implants used to be manufactured differently. Breast implants that were manufactured prior to 1992 containing silicone were potentially dangerous if they leaked, as the silicone could spill out and cause problems for surrounding tissues.

24 September 2021

Why Consider STD Treatment When You Have An STD?


An STD is a contagious disease that is transferable to another person via unprotected intercourse. An STD can be mild and curable or can be life-threatening and debilitating, depending on the type contracted. Common STDs in the US include HPV, syphilis, and herpes. All STDs should be given professional STD treatment. Herpes, for example, is a contagious STD that causes discomfort and never leaves the body but is inherently not dangerous.

17 August 2021

What To Expect From Your First Botox Treatment


Botox injections are a quick way to address concerns about lines and crevices in the skin. However, if you've never gone for a Botox treatment before, it's a good idea to learn what to expect. Initial Consultations Depending on your circumstances, there may be one or more consultations to evaluate your situation. A professional will ask questions about whether you're taking any medications, whether you've had surgeries, and what your present physical condition is.

22 June 2021

Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips


If you are looking for a way to transform the middle section of your body for a tight, toned appearance, then a tummy tuck procedure may be something for you to consider. Several women who have had multiple children choose to undergo the tummy tuck procedure to quickly get back to their pre-pregnancy figure. However, this procedure is also performed on individuals who have lost a lot of weight and need to eliminate that excess skin.

22 April 2021

Want to Have a Perkier and Attractive Chest? See Why a Breast Lift Is All You Need


The size, shape, and appearance of your breasts usually determine the level of your self-confidence. When you have an elevated level of self-esteem, you interact well with other people. You also get the confidence to chase the career choices and relationships that you want. Unfortunately, certain life events like pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight loss might harm your breast appearance, causing them to sag.  When this happens, many women struggle with exercises to help strengthen the breast muscles and make the breasts perky.

5 February 2021