Learning About Tattoo Removal

Hello, my name is Molly. When I was a young teen, I thought it was unendingly cool to tattoo myself with band quotes and interesting symbols. I did not care about placement or ink spread. In fact, I did not worry about the impact of those tattoos at all. Unfortunately, upon graduating college, I was covered in tattoos that were making it difficult to find a job in my field. Luckily, I was able to undergo tattoo removal procedures to remove the ink from my body. I will use my website to help other people understand the process of having their tattoos professionally removed. Please visit again soon.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe For Tattooed Skin?


It's certainly a chore to have to regularly remove unwanted body hair by waxing or shaving. Your hair inevitably grows back, and since you choose to remove it so often, you would probably prefer a permanent solution. But of course, waxing and shaving don't offer a permanent solution. Although laser hair removal provides lasting results, how is the treatment going to affect your tattoos?

How the Laser Removes Hair

Laser hair removal is drawn to the melanin (pigment) in a hair follicle. The laser superheats the cells in the follicle that regulates growth. The follicle is able to regenerate and continue producing hair, but this ability to regenerate will be stopped after the follicle is exposed to the laser several more times. This is why laser hair removal needs a number of sessions to be truly permanent—with the precise number of required sessions depending on the color and coarseness of the hair, along with your skin type. This process won't be all that effective at removing hair from tattooed skin, but this isn't to say that it won't have an effect on your tattoo.

Darker Pigmentations

The wavelength of the laser targets pigmentation, and is especially drawn to darker pigmentations—which is why dark hair on light skin appears to provide the fastest and most noticeable results after laser hair removal. The trouble is that laser hair removal on tattooed skin will target the pigmentations in the tattoo itself. This is in fact quite dangerous. The appearance of the tattoo may become distorted, and there's a risk of skin irritation, and even burns and blistering. So does this mean lasers should never be used on skin around a tattoo?

Protecting Your Tattoo (and Your Skin)

You can still receive laser hair removal around a tattoo, but never on the tattoo itself. The clinic or salon performing the treatment must cover the tattoo with a special adhesive template. For the sake of safety, the covering generally extends slightly over the tattoo to create a border, or buffer zone for your laser hair removal. While the tattoo won't be directly targeted, the covering will prevent the tattoo's pigmentations from reacting to the laser. If you wish to remove any hair growing through the tattoo, this can be achieved with waxing—provided the tattoo isn't new (and so has had sufficient time to heal), and that the surrounding skin that was laser-treated also has adequate time to recover.

Laser hair removal on a tattoo not only has the potential to ruin your tattoo, but can cause serious damage to your skin. However, it's perfectly safe to proceed if the tattoo has been properly protected. Look into a studio like Laser Hair Removal Studio for more information.


29 April 2022